APBK4 Darling Little Dogs


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APBK4 Darling Little Dogs
From Ashton Publications
By Ashton, Darcy
In Quilting - General

35 different patterns for small dog breeds. Each breed was researched and carefully drawn to capture the "personality" of the animal while still keeping the appliqué pattern as simple and elegant as possible. Choose your favorite appliqué method and sew them from just one piece of fabric or several. There are 8 different quilts and projects in this book including "Darling Little Dogs" - 70in x 92in, "Lady Dogs" - 56in x 68in, and "Snips, Snails, and Puppydog Tails" - 59in square.

This book includes many different technique suggestions for hand and machine appliqué. It also has embroidery diagrams, numerous examples for creating the eyes, tips for your custom labels, and instructions for Prairie Points.

  • Pages: 48
  • Author: Darcy Ashton
  • Publish Date: 2004
  • Softcover